Re-envisioning European landscapes through innovative New European Bauhaus solutions

The conference is being organised as part of the Jeudis du Paysage lecture series, the European Commission's New European Bauhaus and the Interreg Bauhaus4MED project on the theme of "Re-envisioning European landscapes through innovative NEB solutions". The keynote speaker will be Andreas Kipar, landscape architect from Bureau LAND (Italy/Switzerland/Germany/Austria/Canada), followed by a round-table discussion with Ruth Schageman, President of the Architects' Council of Europe, Catherine Vilquin, Board of Directors ECTP-CEU (Town Planners), Annemie Bertha Marcella Wyckmans, NTNU University - NEB Alliance, Maja Simoneti, DKAS Delegate Slovenia IFLA EU and Andreas Kipar, LAND, AIAPP Italy/bdla. Discussion moderated by Didier Vancutsem. The conference will be followed by a drink.

© IFLA Europe, ULAB Bulgaria | Public Park Stantsionna Gradina

This conference will take place at La Cambre-Horta’s Faculty of Architecture in the auditorium Victor Bourgeois (Place Eugène Flagey 19, 1050 Bruxelles). The talk is part of the series “Les Jeudis du paysage”, a collaboration between CIVA and La Cambre.